[10/1/2018] Plant Diary Week 2

We're now in week 2 of the plant diary. It is going to take me a little work to keep this thing going and I'm skeptical I'm going to be able to do it. Highlights this week include the death of Ray and the introduction of Georgia, who was here last week but was sadly forgotten.

Overall the prospect of caring for this many plants is a bit daunting. Each plant has different light, water and soil requirements. Right now I'm just focused on watering each week and maybe adjusting location in room if a plant isn't doing very well.

Diary Home


Benji is doing about the same as last week. It's hard to tell if new leaves are coming in yet.



Species: Allocasia Amazonica African Mask

Ellie got a new pot! Overall it seems like Ellie is doing alright but one of her leaves is dying. To avoid two of the leaves from hanging too badly I wrapped them around the more sturdy stems to keep them upright. One thing about Ellie is she is huge. I have had to turn her a few times to get into the storage space. Her leaves are large and flimsy and I've needed to wipe them down as they accumlate dust.



Species: Birds of Paradise

Sammy is maybe a little taller than last week, but there is not a significant difference.



I am unsure the right conditions for Ivy. While I took the picture on the counter you can see the picture from week 1 to see where Ivy is located in the house. A few of Ivy's leaves died and were picked off.



Long and lanky, Landry loves to hang. Landry is doing really well and I'm pretty sure there are new leaves.



Mary is growing on me as my favorite plant. She is so wide and has a cool purple color. I noticed some of her leaves are rolled up and I'm not sure what it means.

Mary Mary Mary


Penny is doing well and has a few new leaves coming in at the bottom. I used flash in this photo so it looks a little janky.



Two of Phil's furthest leaves had to be cut (the one's furthest from the window). It seems like Phil is really gravitating toward the window light.



I forgot to take pictures of Georgia in week 1, but she is already growing! The second picture of Georgia shows hew growing upward. Notice how the new leaves are lighter green.

Phil Phil


Please take a big moment of silence for Ray. This week he collapsed under his own weight. It was evident Ray wasn't doing well and when I came home one afternoon Ray was just too much of a burden upon himself. Little Ray also passed away :(
